
Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Freestyle Writing

WALT: Freestyle write about an image

Today we were given a image to write about. This is the image that we had to write about, tell me what you think in the comments below, please. Thank you.

The wind rushed through her hair as she descended the mountain at great speed. For most children
this would be an exhilarating even terrifying experience, but for lucy it was just an ordinary journey.

Lucy’s life style was really different to most people’s. Lucy lived in a hidden home high
above in the tree’s. Her family had been living in their home, ever since Lucy was a newborn.
Lucy’s mum and dad were always so satisfied from the features of mother earth’s unique
forest and native birds. And that’s the reason why they had built their home so high above.

Lucy’s parents had been concerned about what her schooling would be like in the past year’s,
if she went to a public school. They weren’t so sure how she’d turn out, they didn’t want their
little girl to get bullied and treated differently. They wanted a girl that would be happy and always
feel good for who she is, they also wanted their daughter to be a smart, kind, intelligent girl.
So they decided to homeschool their little girl.

As she grew up, everything went as planned. She was all a parent would ever wanted.
A Kind girl kind of like cinderella, but with her kind and realistic parents. Lucy was quite
happy with her lifestyle. She had never been ungrateful, played up or been unhappy before.

Most day’s lucy’s parents would send her down to town on the zipline. Lucy loved the
zipline, everytime she was sent down to town to get things for family she’d felt as free
as a single feather, slowly spinning in the air like a special ballet dancer.

Friday, November 9, 2018

Technological world!!!

The Technological World

Lately in Term four we have been focusing on, "How has Technology helped us in time?" Firstly we had to pick a technology type, and work on it. For example my group has chosen, " How has consoles changed threw time." Well obviously consoles have had a really big impact in time. From back in the ninety's to the twenty thousands, big change. Here is a link below, that me and my team have been working on about.

How has consoles changed in time?

Thank you, for taking your time to read this!
Hope you liked this, by learning about consoles! :)

Math's Reflection

Math's Reflection.
W.A.L.T: Add, double, subtract and divide decimals.

Today we have been working on our math's sheet. Lately we have been working on decimals. We have to be able to understand our place value, double, division, addition and subtraction with decimals. I've been workin on with the math's grid. I have enjoyed doing the grid because, Every question i had to answer, i had to colour it with a colour. And when i finished working on the grid, it turned out to be a butterfly. I've enjoy decimals because, I'm actually starting to understand decimals. For me its just like as if you got money. This has had made a big impact on me because, before I never knew how to do decimals. I was really shocking, for example I wouldn't even know how to do, "11.4 + 3.1". Thanks to Ms. komor and Ms. Aireen.


W.AL.T: Give our own full opinions about pests

Earlier this morning we have been working with Ms. Treena. Ms. Treena had given us something really someting to argue our opinion about. We were talking about what animals were that endangered our environment. And this is what we had had to write our agree or disagree our opinion on,

My opinion to Nature Watcher was... 

Dear Nature Watcher,

I strongly disagree with you. I disagree with your opinion because, it wouldn't make our environment any better. If we were to respect these "Pest", they would still effect our environment and endanger our native. And can we do anything for them to stop doing this!? I believe not.

I enjoyed writing my opinion because, I hope this person understands my me.

If you were too give your opinion to Nature Watcher what would it be? :)

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Manaiakalani Festival

Manaiakalani Festival

W.A.L.T: Learn new things from eachother.

Today our school Tamaki Primary had went to the Manaiakalani festival, posted in Sylvia Hoyts. As we watched the videos each schools had made, my eye had caught interest. The video that I had really enjoyed, was Point England's video, It was called the Rubbish monster. It caught my interest as soon as soon the girls had chucked their rubbish on the ground. At first I was like, "What the heck, why would they even trash their own environment." Wouldn't they feel ashamed for trashing their own school. But as the video kept going it started turning up a level. What did I learn from this, I learnt how to not litter. I also liked our two videos that were made from our school, and those ones were the "kindness." and "T.E.A.M." What did i get out of these two videos was to work as a T.E.A.M and to be kind. Being can get someone along way, even just a smile makes get people along way.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Pacific Production


This week we have been practicing our pacific production play.
Lately we have performed in front of majority of the school, and they've enjoyed our show.
The whole idea to this production was to show them a little bit more about natural disasters, and what are the causes of a natural disaster.

Their are six countries that we have done a natural disaster on, and they are the most common natural disasters that happen most of the times in these countries, and these are the disasters and countries we have done put together in our production. They're Fiji - floods, Samoa - Tsunami, Niue - landslides, Cook islands - Volcanic eruptions, Tonga - Hurricanes and cyclones and last but not least our home land New Zealand - Earthquakes.

Each story was interesting, like in one story their was a person that didn't win the drum competition and he was so filled up with jealousy and anger that he slammed his drum sticks on the ground, and because of that he had awoken the volcanic beast. Which caused the volcano to erupt and destroy most of the village and kai moana in the sea. This story had the message of volcanic eruptions in natural disasters.

In some of the plays their were people that had caused these disasters to happen in these villages/countries, or something happened before and then the disaster happened without notice. In each skit has a message.

Image result for hurricanesImage result for tonga
Image result for new zealandImage result for earthquakes

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Museum Reflection


Lately back in this term, we have gone to the museum and discovered about natural disasters, more tech and a squid. Learning more about the natural disasters,  we went to the volcano room and discovered more about how, when,who and what things happens during an explosion. One thing that caught my interest in the volcano area was, the person that had turn't into a statue. It had been frozen for a really really long time. We have learnt how to use a green screen, that makes you look like your standing in front of something or where. Underneath below will be some photos of what happened when we were at the museum.